Sheep Herder
So who are these people that think their time is so much more important than everyone elses that they refuse to merge in traffic? I mean, there are signs indicating that there are two lanes merging into one in plenty of advance. But no, these incredibly important people don't have time for this. So, they zoom down the open lane to the very last place to merge and force their way in. Who are these jackasses?
What infuriates you more...the wolf that flies by the sheep and forces his way into the line, thus causing the considerate sheep wait even longer, or the sheep that are so meek that they let the WolfAss in? I really don't know which makes me madder. So I get in line with the sheep, and often ease over into the open lane to block the wolves. How satisfying that is to see the displeasure on their faces.
Of course, there is that ever-so-infrequent occasion when I need to bypass the sheep. I mean, I protect them 364 days a year, but there is that one time I need to get home to see my son's game, or pick up the dog before the vet closes...or whatever. And on that special day, I happily thank that old farmer that is in no hurry and lets me merge at the last moment. I wonder how many days I've blindly cursed this same person for letting the wolves in?
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