John Amaechi, Tim Hardaway, Cornbread Maxwell
I don't understand why this is such a big story. John Amaechi says he's gay. Tim Hardaway says he hates gay people. So we have a gay guy and an idiot. End of story. Who cares? Okay, so I'm not that naive. I know this is a sensitive topic and important to the evolution of opinion and progressive thought. However, I'm getting a little tired of columnists and radio hosts spending hours on this topic with dripping boo hoo about Tim Hardaway's comments. He's a bigot. He's a moron. Again, end of story. But no, people that I have a lot of respect for, like Mike Greenberg on "Mike and Mike in the Morning" spent hours on this topic as if it was an international act of terrorism. All that attention makes me wonder why people of the media spend so much time on this kind of thing. I'm starting to believe that maybe, just maybe, media types *enjoy* such subjects because they have an opportunity to capitalize on drama. I certainly understand that, but also, they get an opportunity to show what kind of socially-sensitive renaissance human beings they are. I mean, going on about this for hours, or for pages, would on the surface, make a person seem really progressive in their thinking, acceptance, or whatever you want to call it. I find it annoying and change the venue.
I'm really surprised that when Cornbread Maxwell recently disapproved of a female NBA official's work, and uttered something like, " need to get back in the kitchen...and make me some bacon and eggs..." that Greenberg didn't really go off on that. Instead, it was somewhat laughable to my favorite sports hosts. To me, what Maxwell was more offensive. He IS part of the NBA, and represents people with interests in the NBA. To my knowledge, and I'm not that big of an NBA fan, Hardaway is simply a retired player. Who cares what Hardaway thinks?
Either way, both of these guys said some ridiculous stuff. Their opinions don't matter to me. They aren't public officials, teachers, or seriously anyone that would influence me or general public opinion. In fact, they've both raised awareness through their ignorance.
So anyway, 5 mins of radio airtime is enough on this topic. I just don't think that many people care what these two yahoos think.
As for Amaechi, I respect the difficulty he has likely had to endure while keeping his secret. However, I don't want to hear about it forever.